Hi, my name is Ayush Majumdar
A Polymath in the making.

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About Me

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Welcome to my digital playground! I'm Ayush Majumdar, a full-stack web developer driven by an insatiable curiosity for all things tech. Each project is an adventure, an opportunity to delve into new tech stacks and push boundaries.

I thrive on crafting elegant solutions, from frontend magic to backend wizardry, bringing ideas to life in the digital realm. But I'm not in this journey alone. I'm all about sharing the ride. Through public builds and open-source contributions, I'm inviting fellow enthusiasts to join me on this exhilarating quest for knowledge and innovation.

Currently, I'm diving headfirst into the worlds of Go and Docker. These technologies have me captivated, promising to revolutionize how we build and deploy applications. I'm eager to share my insights and experiences with others who, like me, are passionate about growth and learning. Join me, and together, let's explore the endless possibilities of the digital landscape, one line of code at a time.

My Experience


Personal Portfolio

A website displaying some information about me. Made with the help of html, Css, Scss, javascript, as my life's mantra is to keep it simple.

I Phone14.landing

Purpose: Created a responsive landing page template inspired by the design aesthetics of iPhone 14 pro page.
Features: Responsive layout and Smooth animations powered by GSAP ScrollTrigger enhance user experience and engagement.
Technologies Used: React js, Vite js WebGi, Three.js, GSAP ScrollTrigger


Purpose: Developed a comprehensive Nike e-commerce project aimed at showcasing frontend proficiency.
Features: Integrated a dynamic cart section allowing users to add items and receive real-time updates of the total price, enhancing the shopping experience.
Technologies Used: ReactJS, ViteJS, TailwindCSS, Redux

Banking App

Working: Developed a Java-based banking system using Spring Boot, offering RESTful APIs for account management. Implemented core functionalities such as account creation, transactions (withdrawal/deposit), and deletion.
Technologies Used: Java, Spring Boot, Maven, MySQL. Tested using Postman for API validation.


Purpose: Developed a Student drop-out analysis data model using Python to predict student dropout rates, focusing on reducing drop-out rates and improving student retention.
Technologies Used: Python, Html, Css, JavaScript, Php, Pandas, Matplotlib, Numpy


About: It is is a simple online fun game, which contains various levels. It also calculates how many moves and how much time taken by a player to finish the game.
Technologies Used: HTML,CSS and JavaScript.


Some funny front-end projects from my initial Development journey.


Ready to embark on this thrilling adventure together? Whether you're a fellow developer, a tech enthusiast, or someone with a bold idea waiting to be realized, I'm eager to connect with you. Let's explore the endless possibilities of the digital landscape and turn dreams into reality, one line of code at a time. Reach out to me and let's start building something amazing together!

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